Company Business

RBI has categorised the Company as SYSTEMICALLY IMPORTANT NON-DEPOSIT TAKING NON-BANKING FINANCE COMPANY. Presently, Company is doing investment activities with long-term perspective (MAIN INVESTMENT UNIT) as well as doing Trading and Lending activities (TRADING UNIT) to avail benefit of short-term investment opportunities. The Company is also doing real estate activities for higher yields.

In MAIN INVESTMENT UNIT- Company is doing investment in all type of financial securities i.e. Equity, Bonds, Debentures, Commodity, Term Deposits and Securities of any kind issued by Companies, Banks, Mutual Funds, any Authority, Central, State, Municipal, Local and to invest subscribe, purchase, acquire and/or sell or otherwise place funds by way of deposit to anybody corporate, firm, person, any other authority or association whether falling under the same management or otherwise, in accordance with and to the extent permissible under the applicable provisions of the Companies Act 2013 with or without security and on such terms as may be determined from time to time. These investments are being made mainly in requisite schemes of Mutual Funds and some investments are also made directly. The investment in this unit is made with long term perspective i.e. for a period of one year and above and is made in an optimum blend of financial instruments i.e. Equity, Bonds, Term Deposit etc., keeping in view the Domestic and Global financial, economic and political scenario.

In TRADING UNIT- investment is made mainly in equity market directly as well as through Portfolio Managements Schemes of reputed Asset Management Companies and is made to get the short term opportunities available in financial market. Special opportunities like Merger and Demerger, Bonus and Right Issue of Equity Shares, Inter Corporate Lending etc., are also considered in this unit.

As a part of diversification of Company's business activities into new financial avenues and to explore the available financial opportunity for the further growth and profitability of the Company, the Company is doing the lending activities for short term as well as long term. Company's lending is basically concentrated on secured lending to the parties and against liquid securities like shares, Government Bonds, gold, property and other assets.

Having regard to the good business opportunities available in Real Estate Sector and to diversify the Company's activities, the Company in the year 2011, undertook new line of business i.e. Real Estate Business within the maximum limits prescribed by Reserve Bank of India. In this sector, the Company (1) Purchase and sell the residential and/or commercial land with trading perspective only, (2) Deal in real estate, development of land, construction of building for commercial and residential purpose, (3) To lease, hire or otherwise acquire any such real estate asset, (4) To carry on the business of proprietors of flats and buildings and to let on lease the same, (5) To use the services of Property Developers / Building contractors and/or enter into the agreements with them for its real estate activities.

The Company shall use its own funds as well as raise money within the prescribed RBI regulations, for the purpose of investment and/or lending the same to commercial/residential Real Estate sector.

The Company shall not carry on the business of Banking as defined under the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 without the approval of RBI.

NCFSL may also undertake new activities in future such as financial consultancy, lending against commodities, Infrastructure Financing, merchant banking, underwriting business, stock broking, and other miscellaneous finance activities generally undertaken by the NBFC's after obtaining the requisite approvals.